A few weeks ago I filmed with James Reres at Bethpage skatepark. After a few hours we walked away with 21 lines and a bunch of funny falls. While editing the montage I figured I would throw this together quick. Enjoy, the montage with the lands will be posted this Monday!
“Finish him!” (Weekly Wreckage #35)
Back in February 2012 Sammy Ruggiero just couldn’t land bolts. Should have just “finished him” went he had the chance.
Indoor 10 NYC (Weekly Wreckage #34)
Sean Gossett goes for a trick down indoor ten in NYC. Watch how he leaves with two broken boards.
What The Fuck (Weekly Wreckage #33)
Go skate day 2011 at Maloof, Dillon had this dumb fall. It’s not really a wreckage but I just thought it was worth a post (not really). Enjoy anyway.
Kurt just keeps killing them (Weekly Wreckage #32)
Kurt Hallman just released his video part on Sunday so I thought it was appropriate to give him a weekly wreckage.
Best shinner (Weekly Wreckage #31)
We were filming for our Harlem Shake video and one of the attempts Sammy Ruggiero slipped out and his board slammed into Dillons Shin. The funny part was that Dillon never saw it coming because his faced was covered. Our pain is your enjoyment.